Thursday, February 24, 2005


The No. 8 Wire poses a batch of questions...
A creative person answers...

What cities/towns have you lived in (or spent more than a few months in), beginning with your place of birth.

Richmond / Wakefield (Nelson,) Christchurch, Charleston (West Coast SI), Wellington

What are the earliest stories you remember hearing?

Stories of my grandfather growing up on the West coast of the South Island

What music was present and still memorable from your youth/adolescence?

Van Halen, Electric Light Orchestra (ELO), Bread, Dire Straits

For you as a creative person, who are three influential artists or thinkers?

Len Lye, Da Vinci, Matisse

What is your dream of happiness?

Personal freedom and equality enjoyed with family and friends in an environment of stimulation and continued learning

Who are your favourite or most admired figures from history?

Walt Disney, Michelangelo, Churchill, Cleopatra

Name three films that you consider profound, moving, or extraordinary.

The Empire Strikes Back, Metropolis, Hollywood Confidential

What was your first real job? second? third?

My current role as Business Development Manager. I’ve also moonlighted as fruit picker, freezing worker, builders labourer, factory worker, Projectionist, TAB Manager, Marketing Advisor / Manager, General Manager, Producer

If you had to eat the same meal every day, what would it be?

Fillet Steak, medium rare

Name a few books that you couldn't put down, would read again, haunt you still.

The Vintners Luck, Catch 22, Asimov’s Foundation series

What have you done, seen, experienced, or produced that was a disappointment to you?

Not capitalising on an opportunity when it presented itself because of a lack of confidence. It’s a demon that needs to be beaten every day!

What was the most recent live performance you attended, and where was it presented?

Big River, Downstage

In one sentence, can you define art?

Activities and output that induce aesthetic reaction!

What word of advice would you offer an aspiring artist in your field?

Look for beauty in a form, and produce plenty!

Where would you like to live, but have yet to?

An island with an average temperature of 20 + degrees

What would you like to do, but have yet to?

Live self-sustaining on an island

Briefly describe a project you are planning for the future.

To provide a platform and mechanism for creative people to do what they want to do!

What one question would you add to this Query?

What is the major barrier you see limiting your artistic career?



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